Joi – your digital friend

Studies – Bachelor of Arts

Together with Benedikt Hörmannsdorfer and Florian Kiefer I founded a virtual start-up company.

The idea for our fictional company was to tackle a pervasive problem: loneliness. Our fictional product is an artificial intelligence with the same name as the company “JOI”, which is offered in the form of a package. So we developed and designed a corporate identity and a corporate design for a start-up we invented, including conceptually designed products.

This task was a very valuable experience for me and gave me an insight into how important the design, or the appearance, is for a company, especially when that company is still new to the market.

Target groups and subconscious associations play a major role.

In ear phones

JOI – Earbud. To communicate with the AI.

JOI Webpage scaled 1

JOI – Landingpage

JOI – Smartwatch interface. Also used for communication and control.

Joi Smartobjekt Verlauf 2

JOI – Logo

Joi Sprechblasen Verlauf 2

JOI – figurative mark

Verschiedene Boxen scaled 1

Design of the packaging for the delivered products, such as the earbud and smartwatch. Logo colors are different as shown.

Joi Plakate Seite 1 scaled 1

Advertising poster for JOI The German slogan means “No Alexa, my name is not Siri.”

Joi CD 3 scaled 1

JOI – Corporate Equipment